Ashley Roberts & Ashley Martelle and Ariela Barer

Ashley Martelle is known for Best Friend (2023), Tales (2017) and Nightmare Angel (1987).

Ariela Barer's birthday is 14th October 1998. She's been an actor and writer as well as a writer. She is famous for How to bludgeon a pipeline in 2022 Runaways (2017) and The Atypical (2017).

Ashley is an Doll born in Phoenix, Arizona. She began dancing and singing at the age of was just eight years old, both these have become her passions. Ashley became a member of the Dolls at Roxy auditions. Ashley likes that she is able to show off her confidence as a hot and confident lady. Ashley's other experiences are American Dreams and MTV Scratch and Burn. She also is featured in commercials for Eclipse Gum and AT & T.

Ashley Roberts  Roberts  Roberts Ariela Barer Barer Ariela Barer w Ariela  Ashley Martelle Martelle


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